StripAll Antique Sales & Refinishing

StripAll Antique Sales & Refinishing
RR#1 Long Sault Ontario, K0C 1P0 Canada
1-613-534-8494 or email StripAll Antique Sales & Refinishing

Types of Wood Refinished

These examples of floors are what they should look like, when they have been properly stripped and refinished.

bcfir.jpg - 4164 Bytescherry.gif - 14884 Bytesmaple.gif - 13619 Bytesredoak.gif - 14393 Bytes
BC Fir                                   Cherry Wood            Maple              Red Oak

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Squared nail Pine Flooring                                   Colonial Heart Pine

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Heart Pine with a Natural Oil        Yellow Pine       White Oak

This example of a ceiling is what it should look like, when they have been properly stripped and refinished.

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Sink.jpg - 8810 Bytes    Early Quebec Pine MinWax finish

Railing3.jpg - 8989 Bytes    Rock Maple staircase, semigloss finish, Minwax Varathane

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